15 Sabbath Day Ideas
Finding activities to do together as a family doesn’t have to be hard, it just takes a little creativity and planning. Here are 15 ideas to get your wheels turning!
Family Board Games or Puzzles
Family Movies
Reading Books Together
Theme Parks
Wandering Antique Malls
Farmers Markets
Family Projects
Go for a walk together
Listen to records
Look through old photo albums and reminisce
Take a class that interests everyone
Create a family vision board
Go for a hike, bike ride or adventure
One thing worth noting that I haven’t mentioned to this point is that when you observe the Sabbath - a goal is to not spend money. To stop means stopping in all areas - paying for things is one of them. And I know, you’re probably like WHAT?! How do we have fun going out then?!
Let me unravel that mystery for you😉
You prepare ahead of time.
If I’m planning a fun family concert that is on the Sabbath - I’m prepping ahead of time. Snacks and meals are pre packed, tickets have been purchased beforehand and all my family is doing is showing up and enjoying it!
Same with going to a theme park or whatever else we are planning on doing. There’s a saying that goes something like this, “when you Sabbath, you live all 7 days differently.” And it’s SO TRUE.
As you add more to your Sabbath celebration - you find that you have to be mindful and intentional about how you live all of the other days. Preparing for your day of rest is key and allows you to set expectations for your family to flow with!
Don’t overwhelm yourself with all the logistics at first. God knows your heart and you’ll refine your preparation along the way - but friends, when I tell you this day of rest is LIFE CHANGING, I’m not blowing smoke up your rest ends! It unlocks a slower way of living that overflows into everything you do.
Our family treats the sabbath as a weekly holiday - they way you may look forward to Christmas is how we view Sababth every single week!
God blessed 3 things in Genesis… the animals, the people, and the day of rest. Let that sink in 😉
If you’re tired of the hustle and bustle and resting sounds dreamy - friend, know that it is. You don’t have to make it a big to do in the beginning. Just simply commit to stop working. Put down whatever your work may be and fill your joy cup all the way up!