Offer Extended for a Limited Time

save over $2750 ***

save over $2750 ***

$3548 worth of resources and coaching for
only $797.

This offer will only be available until your countdown runs out!

After that, it’s GONE!

Enroll Below

Grab Your Final Limited Time Offer Below!

24 Hours to Grab Add Ons


  • You have the remaining time on your countdown to be able to access the $797 deal with the added bonuses (Road to 100k, Riding the IG wave, and 50% off coupon for a one on one coaching call with Jen).

    After the time runs out you will still have access to the intensive and mastermind until June 9th. The price will stay at $797 and you will no longer have access to the added bonuses.

  • The live intensives and masterminds will be recorded and sent to you so you are able to learn when you’re able to. You will have a 3 month subscription to the Facebook group where you can ask questions and get real time responses to help you grow in your business.

  • I will most likely not be doing another 5 week intensive. These take up a large chunk of my time and are not a passive stream of income, meaning I have to be very present for this offer and it’s not one I will likely do again.

    We will be learning about the reasoning behind this in the intensive!

  • The incentive calls will be live group calls; however, you have the opportunity until this offer expires to be able to add a one on one coaching call onto your offer for 50% off.

    I do not offer one on one coaching calls outside of this offer.

Imagine what your life will look like in the next 5 weeks.

The ideas that will flow effortlessly with the skillset to know exactly how to express your creativity within your business and your offers.

You’ll reach out to a brand for a collaboration and instead of the free gift they offer to send, you counter with a paid partnership and they accept no questions asked!

You finally create that resource you’ve been thinking about for years and you know exactly how to launch it and you land 5 figures in 10 days!

Here’s the thing - none of what you’re envisioning is likely to happen without the strategies and skillsets you’ll develop in this intensive and mastermind over the next 5 weeks.