Vasectomy Reversal Series Part 6: After Care

Jason’s recovery went so much smoother than we imagined. He did have minor swelling and minor bruising, but nothing worth raising an eyebrow at.


For aftercare: we opted to take Oil of Oregano (3 pills 3x per day) over using the antibiotics that were prescribed. I also picked up a homeopathy for nerve pain (Boiron Hypericum Perforatum) and arnica gel that he applied around his pelvis to help with pain and cellular growth. Jason applied ice one time when we got back to the house, but other than that - he didn’t feel a need to use ice.

The day after surgery, it was time for us to remove the drainage tube that had been placed. It was an easy removal process, I washed my hands and removed a pin that was holding it in place and the tube came right out. It wasn’t painful for Jason at all. Outside of that, being mindful not to over do it was key.

We were instructed not to leave to head home the day after surgery, which makes sense - so we spent the entire day resting on the couch watching YouTube videos. Jason and I aren’t used to lazy days like that - but it was nice.

Later that evening, Jason was going stir crazy - so we decided to go out to a local farm swap that our friends had invited us to. It was nice to get fresh air and Jason lasted about 2 hours before he was ready to back and rest.

The next day we were up bright and early to catch our flight home. When we got to the airport I asked Jason if he wanted a wheel chair. He didn’t for the Oklahoma airport because it was small enough and we had time to slowly walk to the gate - but we set one up for our Atlanta connecting flight to decrease the stress load on his body navigating our next gate. When we went through TSA, Jason got flagged in his crotch area on the machine. We let the worker know that he just had surgery and it was very sensitive, but he said he had to pat him down. My heart SANK. I am not one to sit back and passively watch ridiculous things go down - so I was very vocal about how he just had surgery and he’s packed with gauze right now.  The TSA worker was mindful to be gentle - but my goodness what a freaking joke. You’re going to tell me that with the advancement of our technology you can’t tell that he has gauze in his freaking pants and not a weapon. Come on. After that traumatic event, we made our way to the gate and boarded the plane.

One thing that came in handy while we were traveling were our first class seats. I know I mentioned they made sense for the flight back in a previous email, and they absolutely do! These seats are more spacious and gave Jason more room to get comfortable.

We returned back to life as usual - Jason rested for a few weeks and then listened to his body as he started back at work. He has a physically demanding job, so 3 weeks off for him! If you’re in an office setting you can plan for closer to 2 weeks off!


Vasectomy Reversal Series Part 5: Reversal Day