Vasectomy Reversal Series Part 2: Finding a Doctor

When we went for Jason’s vasectomy, finding a doctor was a piece of cake. There are urologist all over America ready and willing to snip snip. Naively, we thought those same doctors would be equally as receptive to a reversal - boy were we wrong!

Upon researching doctors in our area, we found that some urologists are very passionate about sterilizing men and against undoing the damage. I quickly learned that finding a doctor would likely require traveling. Jacksonville was immediately removed from our reversal list.

At this point I felt overwhelmed. I still had to manage all of my day to day tasks on top of hunting for a doctor - so I decided to go on a whim and search for reversal groups on Facebook… and wouldn’t you know it, I found one!! I joined the group and began reading up on the doctors. My eyes were now opened to the fact that this search was way more specific than I thought it would be.  Not only did I have to find a doctor who would do it, I now knew I had to find one with a high success rate post reversal.

This narrowed my search down to 3 doctors:

1. Dr. Green in Sarasota, FL

2.Dr. Wilson in Fort Gibson, OK

3.Dr. Trost in Salt Lake City, UT

I called Dr. Green’s office first and spoke to the receptionist. They had one opening for an appointment & it would cost $9,000 out of pocket for the procedure. I remember calling Jason and saying, I think this is the best bet - I’m still going to call the other offices, but this is the closest and we can get home the fastest. I was mentally ready to drop the 10k + and be done with it.

Next I called the office in Oklahoma strictly because I wanted to tell Jason I checked with other offices before booking Sarasota. My mind was already made up.

The sweetest receptionist answered the phone and navigated all of my questions. They only had one appointment available as well on their calendar and it would fit our schedule perfectly - word to the wise, appointments for reversals with good doctors book up quickly. When I asked what the cost would be, she said $1,900. Shocked I asked how that was possible when the other offices I’ve looked into online were anywhere from 8k-10k and she cheerfully shared the story about how God placed it on Dr. Wilson’s heart to leave his last very successful practice and create a practice where he could further the kingdom of God adorably for his patients. He created an in office operating room to cut down on costs/extra fees and only charges what he needs to to cover his overhead. He has prayed into raising the price of the surgery and each time God made it abundantly clear that the price was to remain the same.

I shared our story of how God was calling us to trust him with our family size and she encouraged me that Dr. Wilson is a great fit for that (which I already knew from my previous research - he had some of the highest success rates in the Facebook group!).

Immediately I knew we were traveling to Oklahoma. I didn’t even call Utah… when you know, you know.

That night when Jason came home from work we went over the details and created a plan for our trip to Oklahoma. Now it was time to book! Do we fly? Do we drive? Do we take the kids or leave them back in Florida? So. Many. Questions.


Vasectomy Reversal Series Part 1: Why We Got One


Vasectomy Reversal Series Part 3: Booking + Scheduling Our Trip