Navigating Gluten Free at Restaurants

Eating out doesn’t have to be daunting. Now-a-days there are so many gluten free options at restaurants - but if you find yourself somewhere that gluten free isn’t available, there is almost always a way to navigate the menu/food choices available to create a gluten free dish while you’re out.

Here are a few easy ways to ensure a safe dining experience at a restaurant:

  • Choosing a Restaurant

    • If you can lean towards a sit down restaurant with a chef, you will be more likely to have someone present who is versed in gluten. If you are eating fast foods, often times they have fast moving parts creating more of an opportunity for cross contamination. Also consider a restaurant that uses more Whole Foods on their menu.

  • Eat Before the Crowds

    • If you can get to a restaurant when they just open, you’re going to be less likely to have cross contamination as a factor. If they have fresh oil that they’re frying in or fresh grills to grill on, your meal will be prepared on a cleaner surface. You will also likely have more time with the server to be able to discuss options.

  • Call Ahead

    • I avoid a lot of headaches by simply calling the restaurant ahead of time and figuring out what safe options could be for me to eat there. You’ll know if the staff is well versed in gluten or not before you drive there - which will likely save you time and a headache. You can also ask if they have separate fryers for Gluten Free items. Make a note of the restaurants that do, they obviously have more experience with gluten free!

  • Ask for the Ingredient List

    • If you have any doubts that it may contain gluten, ask to see the ingredient list. Servers will often times list ingredients, but that leaves so much room for error when forgetting to recall something. Physically looking at the bottles, containers etc is something I’m big on. They will show you because at the end of the day they don’t want the liability of feeding you gluten accidentally.

  • Confirm Order When It Comes Out

    • Asking, “this is gluten free, right?” is a great way to ensure that you’re being served the right dish. Often times, servers and food runners are not the same position at a restaurant - so double checking is key!

Finding Gluten Free Restaurants

One of my favorite apps to use when I’m in a new to me city (or even navigating my own) is the Find Me Gluten Free App. I know with these restaurants I am more likely to find something different than the standard burger with no bun or a salad with meat options.

I also love using my “maps” app on my iPhone to type in “Gluten Free Near Me.” This brings up restaurants that have gluten free options as well as my favorite finds - bakeries!

Another resource I use if I know I’m going to be eating out in a certain area is the internet! I love searching for gluten free restaurants in “whatever area” and then reading blogs that fellow gluten free friends have written. Blogs help me locate the tried and true favorites and often unlock secret menus or fun things that the restaurants are able to do to accommodate customers that you wouldn't have known any other way.

If a Gluten Free Menu Isn’t Available:

Just because a restaurant doesn’t have a Gluten Free menu doesn’t mean that there aren’t GF options available. You can usually break down what they have and create your own meal by adding or taking away ingredients.

Easy Wins on Most Menus Are:

  • Burgers without the bun. I like to add a fresh egg, bacon, and an avocado to it to beef it up a bit and make it feel less plain.

  • Salads without croutons. Add meat to whatever salad they have - odds are if they don’t serve full salads, they serve side salads. Most restaurants will be more than happy to create special dishes for you to enjoy because they want you and your party to come back. For a basic side salad - ask for it in a large bowl with bacon, ham, chicken, cheese, avocados, and whatever else you want to throw into it to make it actually fill you up. Then, check to make sure the dressing is GF and request it to be on the side so you can double check that they actually brought you the gluten free dressing before you eat your salad. I’ve had to have many salads remade because I didn’t get it on the side - so learn from my mistakes.

  • Rice Bowls with meat. Many restaurants offer rice and proteins so combine them together to create a bowl. Ask your server what sauces they offer that are GF to kick it up a level!

  • Grilled Chicken and veggies. Near about every restaurant offers grilled chicken and veggies (or some side that’s GF).

  • Order all sides and make a meal of it. Many sides are GF naturally - I have gone out many time and by passes a full meal and replaced it with fun side items plus whatever gluten free dessert they offered.

And lastly, if you feel like the meal you’re getting doesn’t have a wow factor - maybe you’re out to dinner with friends or family and didn’t have a choice on where to go - you can make your drink the wow factor! Order a virgin drink (or non virgin) and get something fancy - just double check that it’s Gluten Free. Virgin Pina Coladas or Mudslides are my go to!

Remember to check the list of hidden gluten foods when going to a restaurant! Don’t assume everything is gluten free. When in doubt, check it out.


Hidden Gluten in Products


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