Coffee Enema
I know, I know…
Why on earth would anyone put coffee up their butt?
It sounded just a bizarre to me many years ago when I was introduced to the concept… but something nudged me to give it a go.
Think about a greasy dish that never gets cleaned out. You use it day in and day out and it just keeps building up on more and more grease and sludge. Eventually, bugs start moving in and your pan just doesn’t function the way that you used to - so you decide to clean it really well. When you go to clean it, the grease and chunks aren’t moving - so you decided to do what…. Let it sit in the sink with some water in it so that the food particles will loosen up and then rinse out more easily.
A coffee enema does the same thing for your intestines! Allowing coffee to sit in your tract for a prolonged period of time creates a way for you to rinse out your insides AND mass detox.
Upon deep diving into more research, I found that coffee enemas have many perks to them. Pun intended.
They are proven to increase levels of glutathione by 700%. Glutathione which is a small powerhouse of a protein that is found in most of the cells in your body. Glutathione’s primary functions are supporting the immune system, removing toxins from your body, and antioxidant protection.
Did you know that your glutathione levels are completely wrecked when you take a Tylenol. Seems kind of contradictory to me - since the entire point of taking meds when you’re not feeling well is to boost your immune system. But, I’m no doctor, so take all of this with a grain of salt.
So, when do I typically do coffee enemas?
I do them if I’m feeling run down and need an immune boost, if I have a headache, if I’m detoxing sugar, if I’m doing a parasite cleanse to help with die off, or if I want to give myself a surge of energy without any of those jitters that come along with drinking too much coffee.
Did you know that drinking coffee and doing a coffee enema have completely different effects on your body with caffine? When you drink coffee, you experience jitters, but when coffee is absorbed through your rectum, you don’t get jitters. Why though? Well, that’s because the caffeine is less bioavailable via the rectum. According to a study done by the NIH, “the relative bioavailability of caffeine obtained from the coffee enema was about 3.5 times significantly less than those of the coffee consumed orally.”
How Often Should You Do An Enema?
Often times I am asked how often should you be doing a coffee enema - and that’s a great question. I wish there was a one size fits all answer - but there’s not.
Really, it depends on why you’re trying to get out of your enema… are you detoxing from a vacation? Trying to do a parasite cleanse? Do you have a headache? Are you a cancer patient? - WHAT? Did I go there? SURE DID. Check out Dr. Gerson’s Cancer Protocol it’s fascinating.
You’ll find that there are many different suggestions regarding how often you should do them - but what I’ve found that works for me is to read my body and base it off of what my body needs.
To start, you could take a more modest approach and try doing one enema per week for a month and see how you feel.
You could then increase to 2 per week and cleanse out your intestines for another month and then drop down to once per month/every other month for maintenance.
You could also be like me and go all in with a parasite cleanse and detox 4 days in a row to help with your die off symptoms (flushing your system with a mass detox while you’re killing parasites is a gift, trust me on that one!)
You could also ditch the schedule and use them when you feel like your body needs them.
Have a headache? Do an enema.
Eat foods that don’t support your body on vacation? Do an enema.
Feeling run down? Do an enema.
Obviously on a cancer protocol or any other specific protocol you will do more. Multiple times per day for some. Again, it all depends what your goals are.
My biggest suggestion is to just start. Set aside time to work through all of your feelings about enemas and just do it. See how you feel and go from there!
Anytime you do an enema, make sure you are hydrating yourself really well that day!
Will you be in the bathroom all day?
Short answer, no! Now, will you likely want to carve out a day the first time you’re doing one because you have no idea what’s about to happen and you aren't just going to blindly trust me with this - probably!
The coffee enema typically takes around 20-30 minutes start to finish for me. Sometimes I milk it a little longer to get some alone time, and I usually take a shower afterwards. Not because I’m gross, but because it’s so relaxing and you feel incredible.
It is not uncommon to do a cleanses and then a few hours later go to the bathroom and poop only parasites out. That may sound so crazy, but I promise you it’s not. And once they’re out - you feel. Even more solid in your decision to do the coffee enema in the first place. Now, don’t think you’re going to see the come out every time. You may not. Each coffee enema is a different experience.
Now, don’t let that stop you from going about and living your life. Get comfortable with how your body responds to them and then work them into your life.
Coffee Enema Recipe:
What you need:
Coffee Enema Kit
Almond Milk Bag
3TBSP Enema Coffee
8 Cups of Berkey (or filtered) Water
Bring 4 cups of Berkey water and coffee to a boil.
Once boiled, lower heat and let simmer for 20 minutes.
Use an almond milk bag to strain the coffee - you don’t want any coffee grounds in there.
With the enema container make sure the tube is closed so it doesn’t leak out and pour coffee into enema container.
Take 4 more cups of Berkey water into the coffee in the enema container.
Once you’ve been doing enemas for a while, you can increase the amount of coffee used. I use anywhere from 3-5 TBSP’s of coffee in mine.
Once coffee is mixed up and ready to go, place your enema kit on a high surface. You can hang it from a cabinet or place it on a high counter top - you just want to make sure that you are letting gravity help the coffee flow out when you’re ready.
Find a towel or mat that you want to lay on and place it close to the toilet. You likely won’t make a mess, but it is nice to have peace of mind when going into this new adventure.
I also suggest a rag with some coconut oil on it to help lube the tip of the enema with. There are different style tips - I always choose the soft one. I’m not really sure who would choose the hard one - but you know to each their own!
At this point you’re going to want to remove the air from the enema line by letting it run into the shower rain or the bathtub. Once the air is removed, you’re ready to get started.
Lay on your right side and inset the lubricated enema tip in and then open the clasp. You can choose to leave the enema inserted while you lay there or clamp it back and remove it. If you choose to leave it in, make sure there is still coffee in the line. You never want to be leaving it open to suck in air. That will create air pockets and discomfort.
What temperature should the coffee be?
The coffee should be warm. If it’s too hot, your insides will feel like they are roasting (because they will be). You absolutely can scald your intestines. Check your coffee temp - you’ll want it to be close to your body temp so it doesn't shock your system. If it’s too cold, your insides will feel like they are contracting. Pull a three little bears and make sure it’s just right!
For me, I fill the enema bucket up with 4 cups of room temp Berkey water and then strain the hot coffee to the water in the bucket and let it sit for about 5 minutes. It’s usually a good temp then. Play around with it and see what works best for you.
Once the coffee is in, you can choose to remove the enema tube or leave it in - whatever works best for you as long as no air is entering your body.
How long do you lay there and hold it?
Your goal is to lay there for 15 minutes while the coffee is going through your intestinal tract and it will hit a portion of your intestines that causes a mass detox to occur. During this time your body will go through multiple detox cycles. It takes about 3 minutes for your body to conclude one detox cycle - so if you last the 15 minutes, you’ll have completed 5 cycles of detox! I say “if you last” because it isn’t always a guarantee. Some days I am able to hold it, and other days I struggle to keep it in. I just let my body lead the way. If I feel like I need to go to the bathroom and I can’t calm the feeling, I get up and go. One of the reasons I make 8 cups of liquid is to have back up ready to go coffee if I do not make it to the full 15 minutes and I’d like to do another cycle.