Ideas For Making a Homestead Profitable

There are so many things that you can do to make money off of your homestead. What’s going to work for you may be different from someone else based on preferences. Get creative and think outside of the box.

Profitable Ideas:

  1. Sell farm products: eggs, milk, meat, cheese etc

  2. Write ebooks and courses

  3. Lead in person classes or events

  4. Create an insiders group

  5. Work with companies and brands promoting products

  6. Make products to sell at a market

  7. Charge photographers to use your property for sessions

  8. Sell livestock

  9. Host events like weddings, company meetings, family reunions

  10. Run a 4H camp or something similar

Work from your homestead ideas:

  1. Babysit

  2. Build your social media and become an influencer

  3. Create your own work from home business around something you’re passionate about. 

  4. Become a virtual assistant for homesteaders

  5. Help organize/file taxes 

  6. Edit articles for bloggers

  7. Create websites and graphic designs

  8. Join a MLM or direct sales business

The key to any successful business is finding a need that someone has and creating a solution for that need via your business. 


March Zoom Calls


How to Afford a Homestead