Journey to Gluten Free Cooking & Baking

Over 10 years ago, I was diagnosed out of the blue with a gluten allergy (long before it was cool to be deemed Gluten Free.) Back then, there were no companies labeling products “gluten free.” In fact, there were many hidden gluten ingredients under umbrella terms such as “spices” or “oats.” I was thrown to the wolves navigating what the heck I could safely eat - which, I guess, officially makes me an OG label reader too (another title I acquired before it was cool).

Navigating a new gluten allergy can feel very overwhelming, as gluten is in most things - but thankfully, there are so many options that you’re likely already eating that are naturally Gluten Free like:

  • Meat is 100% gluten free - now the place where you need to be concerned when it comes to meat products is if there are any seasonings or sauces associated with the meats OR if breadcrumbs/gluten products are mixed into the meat (like with meatballs or meatloaf). Always check with

  • You already know I’m a huge advocate for raw dairy due to it’s nutrient richness as compared to pasteurized milk - but none the less, dairy is naturally gluten free unless things have been addd to the dairy.

  • The same applies for fruits and veggies - in their original form - 100% gluten free. What you cook them with could change that based on spices or seasonings.

  • Natural sweeteners like fruits, maple syrup and honey are all nutrient dense foods that are naturally gluten free!

  • I will always add the check for other ingredients* disclaimer - but beans and legumes in their natural form are 100% GF.

  • These two popular starches are also gluten free and a great addition to your main meals.

Of course there are more gluten free foods, but that basic list will keep you fed while you're learning to navigate the labels.

Label reading and baking without gluten is not something I ever wanted to fall into, but that’s the path I found myself on.

I come from a long line of Italians who found pride in the delicious gluten filled foods and desserts that they made. My memories are filled with lingering flavors in the air of our home and ridiculously large, delicately baked pastry spreads with every holiday meal or family gathering.

Adjusting to a world where I had no clue what I could eat and finding that “gluten free cookies” actually meant recycled cardboard with chocolate chips in them was disheartening to say the least. Ok, so I’m exaggerating a bit - but if you’ve gone from eating full blown gluten to the junk that the store label gluten free, you know I’m not being all that dramatic!

After a few family gatherings where there were little to no gluten free options for me to enjoy, I decided enough was enough and I began dabbling in gluten free cooking and baking.

At the time, I didn’t care what ingredients I was using to achieve this goal and I came up with some fun concoctions.That suited me for a while, but as I got older and began having children, I became more mindful as to what I was putting in their bodies and my intentional label reading and sourcing nutrient dense foods journey exploded.

Jason and I wanted to be able to provide our children with foods and treats that weren’t going to overwhelm their little bodies with refined sugar, but still pass as delicious options to serve at gatherings.

I began refining old recipes and creating new ones that met our family’s unique requirements.

In 2020, Jason and I decided to sell our home at the beach and move to the country. We wanted to get even closer to how our food was sourced and raise our children with a farm to table life.

I know many of you are already raising your own food to some capacity - so you get it - but for those who aren’t yet, there is something so humbling and life filling when it comes to raising and processing your own meats and produce and knowing exactly how it was raised/treated. It really does effect the quality of the foods.

We are 3 years into our adventure and I am so excited to be able to share with you how we source these foods and even share some of these recipes with you in hopes that they fill your home with the smells that run through ours and become a staple for your family’s memories to form around from generation to generation.

I can’t wait to see what you bake up! Make sure to tag me when you share on Instagram so I can droll alongside you!


Sourcing Nutrient Dense Foods


Hidden Gluten