Why We Love Farm and Fellowship

I made reference to our weekly bible study with friends, Farm and Fellowship, in this week’s blog and I wanted to take this opportunity to share just how incredible building a weekly rhythm around fellowshiping with friends can be for your life and how you could implement it as well!

Once a week we have a couple of families come over and just talk about life. There’s no real structure other than we don’t sugar coat anything. 

If our marriages are struggling - we share about it. 

If work is consuming us and we can’t break free - we share.

If we are having a hard time making a really big life decision - we share. 

There is zero judgment - just God fearing women surrounding you and navigating your struggles so you don’t have to do it alone. 

Spoiler alert: we aren’t supposed to navigate hard times on our own - but for some reason, society has convinced us otherwise. 

Break those strongholds and find your people who you can lean on when times get tough and celebrate with when times are so dang good. 

Each Monday we fellowship while the kiddos run around and play. While the mamas are deepening their bonds the kids are intentionally growing their friendships as well. We all work together when disagreements arise and the kids have a really unique opportunity to witness their mothers investing in their family’s future and laying the foundation for navigating a healthy relationship with God.

Every week we alternate who cooks dinner and together, our families break bread and grow closer to one another. Building a longer table has produced more blessings in our lives than higher fences ever have. 

So how can you create something similar? Reach out and welcome people with similar interests into your home! 

Some ideas to help you get the ball rolling:

🔅Invite friend over. 

🔅Have activities for the kids to do so the moms can connect. 

🔅Minimal structure is best, but if you feel like having a guideline for your day, then you can pre-plan topics. 

Looking for mom friends? Plug into local Facebook communities, talk to moms at the park, reach out in your church, go where the moms go and be brave! Throw the idea out there and see who’s receptive to something like it! 

If you’re needing help with building community or want to break down ideas specific to your needs, check out my building community ebook series that is loaded with templates, marketing info  and step by step set up! 



15 Ideas for Families on Sabbath


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